Securing Code Where Every Line Matters
If you’re developing safety-critical software for aerospace or defense applications, having complete confidence in your software applications is essential. Beyond the need to meet stringent requirements, aerospace and defense projects have a unique challenge in that software is deployed for a very long time, and upgrade timeframes can see significant change throughout a system’s life.
Empower your teams to deliver the best, out-of-this-world devices – on budget, on time.

Enabling Development to Iterate Fast
Increasing global competition, rapidly emerging technologies and new materials, higher complexity, and a growing commercial aircraft backlog are trends putting pressure on aerospace companies to deliver high-precision products faster.
CodeSecure solutions improve productivity and speed time to market by shifting security to the left in the DevOps cycle, resulting in faster iteration cycles with greater quality and platform reliability.
Supporting Safety, Speed, AND Security
Treating security requirements in the same way as safety and functional requirements is the new standard given contemporary cyber threats. Modern safety-critical avionics software requires rigorous security engineering aligned to established safety practices. Shift Left initiatives that include security and safety verification and assessment within the design and development processes reduce the effects of legacy waterfall approaches to traditional software development.
CodeSecure solutions support validation through testing and are implemented in critical parts of the DevSecOps development process, quickly scanning both source and binary code to unlock hidden defects and reduce business risks.

Making Compliance Affordable
Certifying software included in systems like safety-critical avionics is expensive. The biggest challenge to adopting agile processes, DevSecOps, and CI/CD for safety-critical software is the need to satisfy audits, verification & validation, and certification requirements. Manually enforcing these standards is infeasible, so automated tools are required to ensure compliance.
CodeSecure solutions automate tedious, potentially error-prone, manual steps in the development process and provide validation evidence to prove system functionality and airworthiness.
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