
CodeSecure has clients in many different industries. See how our products have helped these companies keep their products safe and secure.

Securing The Software That Powers Your Products

Industry-specific products often undergo rigorous safety and security validation before they can be introduced to the market- and this can be very time-consuming and costly. To shorten certification times and accelerate time-to-market, many organizations are embracing new methodologies such as DevOps, and introducing security testing into these new processes as part of their Shift Left initiatives. And with this, industry leaders are experiencing faster release cycles and higher-quality products with fewer defects. 


Our Customers

  • “CodeSonar does a better job of finding the more serious problems, which are often buried deep in the code and sometimes hidden by unusual programming constructs that are hard for other static analysis tools to parse.” GE Aviation

    GE Aviation

  • “The quality of our products starts with ensuring the quality of the software we develop. Good quality software is good for safety and security”

    Piotr Reczek

    Software Team Leader for Merit

Case Studies

  • eLeapPower

    The Challenge: Finding a scalable Static Application Security Testing (SAST) solution to support a lean team of experienced software engineers as they innovate new solutions while adhering to strict software cybersecurity and functional safety requirements in the auto industry.

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  • LeddarTech

    The Challenge: To build the LeddarVision software platform according to automotive industry requirements, starting in the design stage, and integrate checks in the development workflow in compliance with ISO26262 functional safety requirements for road vehicles, MISRA C, MISRA C++ and AUTOSAR C++ coding standards and security requirements such as CERT C++.

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  • Telit

    CodeSecure Helps Telit Deliver Safety Faster. Telit is a global leader in cellular-based M2M and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions that have been connecting the world from the inside out for nearly 20 years.

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  • Piper

    Transportation – CodeSecure Helps Optimize Smart Sensors and Technologies to Increase Transportation Throughput.

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  • Petroleum Experts

    Industrial – CodeSecure Helps Deliver High Quality, Safe, Secure Software and Ensure Customer Satisfaction.

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  • NASA-White Sands: The Benefit of Static Analysis

    Aerospace – CodeSecure Contributes to NASA Study Exploring the Benefits of Static Analysis.

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Book a Demo

We’re ready to help you integrate SAST and BCA security into your DevSecOps flow. Get a personally guided tour of our solution offerings to ensure you are receiving the right solution for your development team. 

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