Jenkins Integration

CodeSonar Jenkins Plugin


CodeSonar integrates with Jenkins automation server via the CodeSonar Jenkins plugin. You can configure Jenkins to include CodeSonar analysis in the build of your project, and use the plugin to return the results of the analysis to Jenkins. The plugin can be configured to set the Jenkins build result to ‘Failed’ if the CodeSonar analysis results exceed configurable warning and/or metric thresholds. 

Capabilities & Benefits
  • CodeSonar is integrated via a job configuration in Jenkins. This integration extends to C/C++ make invocation and Java builds at the command line level.
  • CodeSonar can be used to impose conditions on a particular property of the analysis results such cyclomatic complexity or high risk/high impact warnings.
  • The results of the CodeSonar analysis can drive post-build actions based on the conditions placed on warning or metric thresholds.
  • The Jenkins plugin can be integrated into a continuous delivery workflow via Jenkins Pipeline DSL.

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