Jira Server Integration

JIRA Server Plugin
The CodeSonar Jira Server plugin allows JIRA users to take advantage of the automatic creation of JIRA tickets from CodeSonar warnings, to update JIRA tickets through the CodeSonar hub, and to update CodeSonar warnings from within JIRA.
The plugin consists of two components: one for the CodeSonar hub, and one for a JIRA cloud.
Capabilities & Benefits
- The Jira integration opens a new issue in JIRA that is linked to an existing CodeSonar warning. This is done simply by navigating to the details page of the warning and creating a JIRA issue which established a relationship between Jira and CodeSonar.
- Once a JIRA issue is created from a warning it’s fully manageable from within JIRA. Changes in state are reflected back in the CodeSonar hub. The Priorities and States of CodeSonar warning can be customized to map to the desired Jira Priority and workflow states.
- Integrating testing for security and quality issues into the existing DevOps workflow via the JIRA integration leads to increased developer ownership for eliminating these issues. In addition, feedback to developers and management is crucial in both improving security and improving the end-to-end software development process.
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