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Hybrid Cloud Deployment of SAST Tools

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Meeting Resource Demands by Extending Capabilities to the Cloud. 

As more development teams seek more flexible tool deployment scenarios and offloading parts of their build infrastructure to the cloud, SAST tools need more flexible deployment options.  

Support for hybrid, cloud-based deployment improves security, flexibility, dependability, and scalability. It also supports some important use cases that on-premises deployments don’t. Not all development teams have the hardware infrastructure ready to immediately adopt SAST, and on-premises deployments are often a barrier to adoption. Cloud-based deployment is an easy path to SAST adoption and supports interesting use cases. 

Cloud Based SAST Tool Deployment Use Cases 

Here are some of the use cases for hybrid cloud-based deployments. There are likely more since the applications of software as a service (SaaS) are constantly growing.  

Rapid DevSecOps: Development teams making the transition from DevOps to DevSecOps can’t afford to slow down their pipeline, so tools need to be deployed and online quickly. In addition, the SAST tools need to be part of both the desktop IDE environment and the build infrastructure and deploying this with on-premises hardware may impact schedules. 

Test bed: When adopting SAST tools, companies often test products to determine which meet their requirements. Alternatively, once they have adopted a SAST tool, they spend time integrating tools and understanding the configuration that optimizes the tool for their use. Cloud-based deployment provides quick access to the tools they need for their test bed without the need to add hardware and license and configure the software. 

Small scale deployment: Small teams looking to adopt SAST tools don’t have the desire or resources to deploy the tools on premises. Cloud deployment means they can quickly get the SAST tools running with no on-premises hardware requirements. 

Limited hardware budget: Software development teams often don’t have the budget for server class hardware. On-premises deployment might be a cost barrier or a time and schedule barrier if adding hardware requires a long procurement process. Cloud-based deployment means these teams can quickly integrate SAST tools into their workflows without extra hardware requirements. 

SaaS development environment: SaaS tool deployment is well established, and many software teams have gone to a full cloud-based environment. Remote and distributed teams have likely adopted such an approach, and cloud-based deployment is ideal for them. Naturally, cloud-based SAST deployment fits with the environment. 


GrammaTech’s CodeSonar support for Hybrid Cloud Deployments 

GrammaTech Cloud offers customers a hybrid cloud option that allows them to run their CodeSonar Hub as a cloud-based service in a private instance, rather than relying on-premises hardware. These new deployment scenarios make it easier to adopt SAST tools with little to no hardware requirements and rapid setup. 

With the CodeSonar Hub hosted in the GrammaTech Cloud, development teams can easily access and share CodeSonar results, whether working regionally from home or from geographically dispersed regions—promoting best practice use of static application security testing. 

These cloud-based CodeSonar deployments are easier, more efficient, and more cost-effective for administrators. It’s quick and easy to provision new users, delivers a more reliable and fault-tolerant infrastructure to development teams and provides cloud-scale resources to meet changing user demand. plus, the benefit of a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) for the organization that uses CodeSonar. 



Hybrid tool deployment is the future for many development teams, and CodeSonar’s new cloud-based and on-premises options are set to fill customer requirements. Cloud-based deployments scale easily as an organization grows and provides worldwide access to SAST tool analysis results. In addition, deployments of these tools are quicker and more efficient, and don’t require the budget and procurement cycle associated with additional server hardware. 

These improvements to scale CodeSonar SAST adoption through rapid deployment, quick setup easy scaling- all with limited additional hardware costs mean a faster time to production and lower total cost of ownership.   

Read more about our latest CodeSonar release v7.2 

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